Thursday, March 30, 2017

Hunting: Barbaric or Natural?

Hunting originated from survival. In the past, we needed to kill another animal if we wanted to live, whether that be food based or for protection. Simple. But now it is more ethically complex, as the main reason behind hunting in the United States has changed. We no longer hunt for food, but pick it up in our local grocery store. If we no longer hunt for sustenance, then why do we do it?

Some Americans are die hards, out hunting before than can walk, and shooting their first deer before they are even five years old. Others are admantant that hunting is cruel and should be completely banned. But where do you stand?

An article in Scientific American presents the point that "nothing could be more natural than hunting." All animal species, humans included, have been predator or prey at some point. Since humans have hunted other predators to low numbers, hunting herds of prey animals is a way to control populations below carrying capacity.

In high school I spoke to a Game Commission Officer about his perspective on the hunting controversy. In his opinion, hunting actually made life better for the deer. Without hunting, the herds of deer would be well over carrying capacity and starving on dwindling resources. Hunting lowers the population enough that the living deer have ample resources to live without suffering. In other words, lower numbers of deer caused by hunting mean healthier deer.

Another proponent to hunting is that it can be fun. Spending time outdoors, tracking game, and learning about nature are times that many people enjoy. Watch the video on the right of a young girl reacting to her first successful hunt.

On the other hand, others such as animal rights groups are adamantly against the practice of hunting and believe it is ethically wrong to kill an animal. The main reason people are against hunting is animal suffering. It is not uncommon for animals to die a significant amount of time after they are shot. Therefore, the death is not painless and is unnecessarily prolonged. I searched "how long does it take for a hunted animal to die after being shot?" and was surprised by the results. Pages entitled How Long Should I Wait? and You Shot a Deer. Here's How to Find It were only a couple of the many pages implying the significant amount of time it takes animals to die after being shot. In the How Long Should I Wait? page by Cabelas, hunters are advised to wait 6-8 hours if they believe they had a single lung shot. 6-8 hours!

Glenn Kirk of The Animals Voice states that hunting is gratuitously cruel because unlike natural predation hunters kill for pleasure…” He also argues that hunting disrupts the natural balance of the ecosystem. 

Trophy hunting issues are another downfall for the hunting argument. Sometimes people hunt for just the head of the animal, and nothing more. Only the head of the animal is removed and the rest of the body is left to rot. Infamous trophy hunting pictures of the safari animals such as rhinos, giraffes, lions, etc. are commonly plastered across media. The US denstist who killed Cecil the lion is one of many examples. Watch this video if you are unfamiliar with this specific case. Is hunting ethically sound if it is only for the head of an animal or the thrill of the kill? 

To hunt or not to hunt is a question I find difficult to answer. On one hand, there's the fun of the hunt and the practicality of population control. From the other perspective, killing animals for pleasure, which causes animal suffering is unethical. Ultimately, I believe that hunting has a place in our society as long as it is for animal welfare reasons, to control populations. In this respect, people can still have fun outdoors tracking and hunting animals. However, I am fully against trophy hunting because solely the thrill of the kill is in no way worth the death of an animal.

Where do you stand? Do you believe that hunting in any respect is moral? Should we only hunt for food? Is trophy hunting an ethical practice? Let me know where you stand on these issues!


  1. Great article, Lizzy, as always. I really enjoy the approach you took in your first paragraph. We really don't need to hunt anymore, and I wish people would just do away with it already. Also, I'm not so sure I agree with that Game Commission Officer and his point about population control. Why do us humans get to play god and decide what lives and what doesn't? I feel that when people hunt, they don't view what they are killing as 'living beings', in a sense. If they truly understood how much animals suffer in the process, I think they'd be discouraged to continue hunting. Animals may not speak our languages or look like us, but they're still living beings. They eat, they breathe, they have families that they love and protect. It crushes me to see pictures of people posing and smiling alongside their kills, because I don't think that that's anything to celebrate.

  2. I really think the need to kill something else is pretty gross. I could just never understand why that would be fun for people but nonetheless I perfer hunting to big factory farms. However I dont think there are many people who eat exclusively food they hunted themselves. Trophy hunting is so cruel and disgusting I just cant see a justifcation for it at all. Greta post this week!

  3. I think this is a question I have struggled to answer myself because there are a couple valid perspectives. Hunting out of need is one thing, but I think hunting for pleasure is wrong in a lot of ways. Great post!

  4. Personally I am against hunting. Although I would never say it should be outlawed because we have inalienable rights in this country, I don't understand the point of hunting, especially for sport. My uncle uses the meat from the deer he hunts and sometimes the skin too, but I know there are people who only hunt for sport and I really don't understand that. Great post!

  5. I don't agree that hunting is natural. Humans are so evolved that we no longer have that primal instinct to kill. My brother releases stink bugs back outside rather than flush them; people don't have a natural inclination to kill. Trophy hunting has always angered me as well. Lions, elephants, and giraffes are my favorite animals and seeing them slaughtered for personal gratification is sikckening.

  6. I think hunting is ethical as long as it is done within regulations. FOr instance, hunting an endangered species is completely wrong in my eyes, even if someone values the thrill of killing a rare animal. As for deer, I think if the deer has a fair chance (i.e. not using illegal hunting practices) then it is ok.

  7. I think hunting is something that does not need to be done anymore, but, I do believe it can be so part of a person's lifestyle that it is hard to break from it. While hunting is beneficial in terms of food, animals should not be killed more than they already are.

  8. I agree that hunting is good for the purpose of population control, but in general I don't think I will ever be able to consider hunting completely ok. Trophy hunting and hunting of anything endangered is just sickening to me, because it takes so much away from not just the species but our society as well.

  9. I definitely think that hunting for sport is wrong and unethical. People who would value their own pleasure over the life of an animal is baffling but hey, to each their own. As far as hunting for survival, it is primal and unnecessary for most Americans at the moment, but again, to each their own.

  10. I have never been able to actually decide on what my point of view is on hunting. Hearing from those who enjoy hunting, it just sounds like a fun, possibly even benefitial hobby or pastime. On the other hand, listening to the arguments from animal rights activists and groups always makes me feel guilty for not being strongly against hunting. In the end, I think that as long at the hunter is following the laws and regulations surrounding hunting, it's okay to do. However, mindlessly killing animals (like with trophy hunting) is definitely something I'm against.

  11. I don't know many people that hunt, but the one's I do always bring me homemade deer jerkey, practically the only meat I enjoy eating. In this case, the hunted animal is being used as efficiently and completely as possible, and the game is feeding not only the family that hunted it, but others as well. But there is absolutely no reason for somebody to kill a giraffe, an elephant, etc. The deer, at least, seem to be doing well with the decreased population. This is definitely a difficult issue to choose a side on.
